Session 2: Neosentience, Biomimetics, and the Insight Engine 2.0

Seaman, William; The Neosentient Model: Information Processing Structures, Sentience, Resilience and Intelligence

Brod, Kelsey; An Imprecise but Infinite Fall: Using Linguistic Analogy to Describe Ontologies of Floating-Point Arithmetic

Capucci, Pier Luigi; Outsourcing Life

Cheng, Mingyong; The Creativity of Artificial Intelligence in Art

Clarke, Bruce; Neocybernetic Gaia Theory

Herr, John; Building an AI-enabled open-access research tool: The Insight Engine 2.0

Jain, Malvika; Self-bettering systems in clothing and everyday appliances

Karriem, Quran; Anti-Noise, Improvisational Informatics, and World Generation

Karriem, Quran and Seaman, William; Ethics and Redefining Notions of Bias: An Active, Intelligent Information Processing Goal in the Insight Engine

Kwon, Hojung (Ashley) and Seaman, Bill; Visualizing Data Structures in the Insight Engine; Information Processing Structure, Intelligence, Resilience

Miller, Arthur I.; Machines That Make Art, Improvise Music and Write Film Scripts

Seaman, William; and Karriem, Quran; The World Generator 2.0 – Information Processing Structures, Sentience, Resilience and Intelligence

Seaman, William; and Seth, Dev; The Neosentient Model: A New Combinatorial N-dimensional Bio-algorithm

Seth, Dev; Introducing a New Paradigm for Human-Machine Collaborative Computing

Special Sessions 1 and 2: United Component Presentations*

Bach, Joscha; From Attention to Consciousness?

Cariani, Peter;Outline of a temporal theory of brain function

Davies, Jim; Consciousness, Machines, and Ethics

Donahue, Evan; The Common Sense Informatic Situation: Towards an Android Linguistics

Halpin, Harry; The Evolution of the Extended Mind: From Man-Computer Symbiosis to the Web

Thomas, Paul; Quantum Take on Artificial Intuition

Turner, Mark; Blending to Create Human-Robot Common Ground

Uliasz, Rebecca; The Fake Image: Deepfakes, AI, and the Recursive Aesthetics

*The order of presentations is alphabetical and does not reflect their importance